Potatoes are a dull food and a root vegetable that is local to the Andes Heaps of South America. Potato has become a staple food in the Anglo diet. There is no fixed shape or color of a potato. It comes in several shapes and colors from the Andes. Potatoes grow well in bright and unclouded spots where the soil is well-drained because it is a cool season crop. Adding phosphorus and bone meal supports the crop yield.
One of the tips for growing potatoes is to plant the seeds around St. Patrick’s Day to widen your harvest window. Before you plant the seed, cut the seed potato into pieces about the size of an egg. If potato seeds are already germinating then plant them carefully and do not let them break. You can also cut potatoes a few days before planting them as it prevents any disease or rotting. Another thing to take care of, do not to plant seeds in the area where nightshades have been grown in the last 4 or 5 years.
Your work does not end here when you plant the seed. It needs proper maintenance and care. Once you plant it, look for any signs of insects or disease because the Colorado potato beetle finds its way to crops easily. You can use raw covers to protect seeds from beetles. Proper air circulation and prompt drying of dew off leaves help to prevent diseases.
You can grow potatoes every year and store them without any issues. Store as many varieties as possible. Remember to keep them in a cool and dark place with mild humidity and ventilation. One another point of storing potato seed is closely monitored for any disease.
Those who have limited space in their area can think tips of growing potatoes in a container as this is a painless way to harvest crops. Not just potatoes, almost every vegetable can be grown in a container. Although you cannot grow a large number of potatoes in a container as compared to ground soil, in the right growing condition it produces a good number of tubers. To plant and grow seeds in a container, make sure it gets about 6-7 hours of direct sunlight a day with the right container and enough water quantity.
If you are looking for large-size potatoes to be grown then go for the ground soil grow option. In a container, it is preferable to grow small size potatoes. Types of potatoes vary depending on their harvesting time. For containers, mid or late-season varieties are good options because they produce tubers for a longer period. Instead of opting for grocery-stored potato seeds, go for seed potatoes purchased from a reputable store or garden in the spring season.
Once you know how to grow seeds and what type of seed is preferable for a container, pick the right container for it. There are multiple options available in the market that includes ready-made potato towers or special growing bags. Instead, use an opaque container with 2-3 bilge holes. You can choose a garbage bin, barrel, or chimney flue. The appropriate container should be 2-3 feet tall with a capacity of around 15 gallons.
Once the container is decided, choose the potting soil wisely. Use a mixture of soilless potting mix and quality compost to grow seeds in a container.
Potatoes are grown well in a pot if you know how to do it correctly. Check out these tips for growing potatoes for harvesting.
1- Choosing the right seed potato is the first basic and important step. Use seed potatoes or potato tubers with sprouting eyes.
2- Cut seeds into pieces with each piece having at least a single eye and give it proper time to prepare. Each plant requires 5 gallons of soil and should be planted 5 inches apart within the same pot.
3- Give it proper sunlight. Potatoes require lots of light and heat to grow nicely.
4- Water should not get accumulated in a pot, so use a pot with drainage holes and keep the soil moist.
5- Began your harvesting once flowers have blossomed. With a pot, carefully pull tubers out without disturbing the surrounding soil.
If you prefer to go market to buy potatoes, stop and think for a second about the benefits of planting and tips for growing potatoes at home. One of them is they will be fresh and tasty to eat as compared to the ones purchased from the market. Home-grown potatoes have more nutritional value. Plus it is easy to plant at home as it is a low-maintenance crop and requires a small place for harvesting. But to avail these benefits of growing this at home, be careful about a few points like:
- Pick the potato seed which suits your soil type and climate.
- Use well-draining soil.
- The area should cover direct sunlight for longer hours where you plant seed.
- Water them regularly and harvest them when ready.
Growing potatoes at home is rewarding and worth trying as you get to enjoy these fresh and healthy potatoes at home. But take care and proper attention for good results.
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Sweet potatoes are starchy and sweet root vegetables that have many benefits of growing it. It is rich in nutrition with a package of Vitamin C, vitamin A, and manganese. It also protects you from cancer and strengthens your immune system. They come in different color and sizes which includes purple, white, and orange. If you are wondering what the benefits of it are, check this out:
1- They are rich in fiber, minerals, and vitamins. Orange and purple sweet potatoes have antioxidant properties that protect your skin from radicals.
2- The fiber that it contains promotes the growth of gut bacteria for a healthy gut.
3- Some animal research has also shown that it protects against some cancers. However, human research has still not been done.
4- Another benefit attached to it is, it is protected from vision loss, improving eye health due to a type of antioxidant it contains.
5- According to animal research, it improves brain health and prevents mental decline. While in the case of humans, it remains unknown.
(By Nikita Jain)